Sunday, March 25, 2007

google mp3 search

Google is a verry powerful search engine indeed..Well, i was darn bored this morning and had nothing to do..while going through tons of digg documents, i stumbled into an interesting tip on how to perform music search in Google..The original post of the article is here.

Paste the query below into your Google search =

-inurl:(htm|html|php) intitle:"index of" +"last modified" +"parent directory" +description +size +(wma|mp3) "Nirvana"

Just substitute the "Nirvana" with any other artist that you would like to will popup a list of index for the you can also change the file type (wma|mp3) to any other file format such as pdf or doc ANYTHING...Well and if you are too lazy, you can go to G2P to find music that you want.. it works the same way
Happy Hunting (^_^)

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Know Your Rights

Most of us tend to get very nervous when dealing with police personnel..Well who doesn't? They are prone to show that they are high and mighty like that, especially the ones with the Dato K moustache..The moment we got stop by the police the first thing that cross our mind as any other good Malaysian are, "aiyoo damn..can kawtim or not ah?"..
Well, nonetheless the police have also got to abide the laws..The Malaysian BAR Council has upload a document on "Know Your Right" when dealing with police procedure..Check it out..You may get away from any summons or charges by boasting your legal knowledge (^_^)

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Installing Netbeans IDE in Ubuntu

The NetBeans IDE is a free, open-source Integrated Development Environment for software developers. The IDE runs on many platforms including Windows, Linux, Solaris, and the MacOS. It is easy to install and use straight out of the box. If you happen to download the package that comes with all the jdk,netbeans and sun java system application server, well then you lucky rat...i had to install all manually..nonetheless, i'll still want to share my "endevour" in installing the netbeans, manually..

First, u have to have the Java Development Kit (jdk) in ur ubuntu box..At the time of writing it is the can download it for free here.

Open your terminal and go to the folder..

unos@xoxo:~/Desktop$ cd java/
unos@xoxo:~/Desktop/java$ chmod +x jdk-1_5_0_11-linux-i586.bin
unos@xoxo:~/Desktop/java$ ./jdk-1_5_0_11-linux-i586.bin

then, it will pop out a list of "terms and agreement" from the it if u have the time
accept it and just follow the instruction..

next, install the netbeans IDE..u can download it, again for free, here...

unos@xoxo:~/Desktop/java$ chmod +x netbeans-5_5-linux.bin
unos@xoxo:~/Desktop/java$ ./netbeans-5_5-linux.bin

it will pop up install wizard and just follow the instruction..

next, u will have to install the sun java system application do this you will have to dwonload the update can find it here

install the update package...

unos@xoxo:~/Desktop/java$ chmod +x java_ee_sdk-5_02-linux-nojdk.bin
unos@xoxo:~/Desktop/java$ sudo ./java_ee_sdk-5_02-linux-nojdk.bin -javahome /usr/lib/j2re1.5-sun/

it will pop up the installation wizard and just follow the steps...

a more easier way for you to done this is by downloading the complete netbeans 5.5 that comes with the jdk and sun java system application server..this way everyone's happier (^_^)

Sun Tech Day Notes

The Sun Tech Day Kuala Lumpur Tour has passed and it was great and fun for the whole 3 days that i was there...James Goosling was really there and delivered a keynote speech on the future of Java(damn, i didnt get a picture)...Basically what they were stressing was that Java is "going" to be open source and urge all developers to contribute....
For those who miss the lab session and interested on getting the notes, u can download it here

and damnn...i didn't get the iPod :'(

ubuntu wifi-radar

Wifi seems to be the easiest way of connecting to the internet nowdays..My favorite tools in connecting to a wifi channel is the WiFi Radar...WiFi Radar is a Python/PyGTK2 utility for managing WiFi profiles.It enables you to scan for available networks and create profiles for your preferred networks.To intsall it in Ubuntu, open the terminal and type

sudo apt-get install wifi-radar

This will install wifi-radar in your computer...However, the wifi-radar may not be able to connect to a wifi..this is because, by default it can't configure which interface to use...So,what u have to do is configure the wifi-radar.conf file using editor..

What i did was run this on the terminal

sudo nano /etc/wifi-radar.conf

It will show up the configuration of wifi-radar basically like this....

ifup_required = False
auto_profile_order = home,linksys,Guest$speak_up = False
scan_timeout = 5
interface =
commit_required = False

So add your interface at the interface options...

ifup_required = False
auto_profile_order = home,linksys,Guest$speak_up = False
scan_timeout = 5
interface = eth1
commit_required = False

and now you are clear to go...
enjoy it but remember, connecting to an open wifi without permission is a crime (^_^)

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Sun Tech Day 2006-2007

Sun Technology will be organizing Sun Tech Day from the 7-8th March 2007 at Kuala Lumpur Convention Center. The father of Java, Mr. James Gosling will be present himself to give a speak..but for me the most interesting part will be that of the Web 2.0 technology...Can't wait...nyum2...
fr13nd5, lets join the Sun Tech Day and make it more merrier...if it's monotonous we can always run to KLCC....heheheh :p
See ya' there