Friday, January 5, 2007


Currently i'm in my final year of my studies which requires me to do a dissertation to complete it...after a very vast array of topics "studied" and rejected by my beloved lecturers and friends alike, i've finally decided to do my research on Web dissertation title (as for now) is "Building a web community for U-fm using the Web 2.0 principles"...Sounds lame huh...maybe...but i intend to build the web with web 2.0 and my research elements will be mainly on the principles of it...
i'll be explaining a little bit of web 2.0,here and there,from a layman's view and a little bit of the technical aspects of it....
sooo... i would very much like to share my experience and journey of building the web on this blog...and hey, if you have any ideas or remarks or anything,do feel free to leave your comments ya..i'll be looking foward for it....
till then, au revoir (^_^)

Thursday, January 4, 2007


a friend of mine introduced to me an open source operating system couple of months back...being a typical "malaysian", i was a bit reluctant and repulsive towards took some convincing and a whole lot of assurance before i finally did make the quantum leap in migrating to ubuntu.
heyyy...what do you wasnt bad at all...i would say that it is more fun and satisfying (by a tenth fold) by using gives you the the ultimate satisfaction and the edge for you to really learn about your computers rather than just chewing whatever that is provided to ( + the satisfaction of not being cheated by Microsoft ;p )
ubuntu( an african words which means "humanity to others" ) is built with both professional and community support is based upon the ubuntu philosophy : that software should be available free of charge, that software tools should be usable by people in their local language and despite any disabilities, and that people should have the freedom to customise and alter their software in whatever way they see fit.
interesting isnt' it...even the philosophy, foundation and the ideas is sooo honorable...
you can get ubuntu from various sources on the net for free and, you're not gonna believe this, they will even send the ubuntu cd's for free right at your doorstep...amazing says you..well maybe there are certain people who really would like the world to be a better place...
sooo what say you....maybe it's time to change
lol (^_^)

Tuesday, January 2, 2007


XOOPS, acronym for eXtensible Object Oriented Portal System, is a CMS that runs on Apache, mySQL and PHP (+ your OS,of course..daa..)
It is a portal development tools and best of all it is open source, which means "free" hurraaah. It is supported and moven by XOOPS International and a strong community support worldwide be it Malaysia, Canada, Japan and
Try it..i found it to be most useful, easy and interesting...Plus, it is no harm's done... Till then...
Au revoir,

my Japanese name

My Japanese name is Ryunosuke Funakoshi.
Take The Original Japanese Name Generator by Shu today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator.

Found this website that claims to generate your name based on your Roman written name that you provide (duhh). Anyhow, seems a bit fun aint' it..hahahh..a friend said that my name sounds a bit like a japanese gay "Ryunosuke Funakoshi"